Don’t Wait To Wake Up to Your Life!

“Don’t be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don’t have to live forever; you just have to live.” – Natalie Babbitt Are you living your life or just living this life that happens to you? How can you tell? What can you do to make sure you are...

Mind Over Matter

It is important to keep your eyes and your heart open to new experiences and the meanings they inevitably carry with them. In the Western world, logic—namely rational thought that can be explained or demonstrated through fact has a dominion over our thinking. There is...

Another Reason Your Dog Can Keep You Healthy

Recent research perks up our ears with another reason for having a dog. From raising daily dopamine levels and reducing stress by providing companionship, to reminding us to stay in shape with daily exercise, man’s faithful best friend has never failed to foster good...

Brakes For Your Racing Thoughts

All of us have experienced, at least once, that horrible sensation of our thoughts spiralling out of control, down a route we never could have foreseen. Unfortunately, racing thoughts, which most people experience in situations of extreme stress, is a regular reality...

Expressing Gratitude Makes Us Happier

We, as a society, are always stressed about things – daily traffic, pending bills, cliffhanger of that one show not airing for another month, office presentation, schoolwork, gas prices (well, until recently) – the list is extensive. Belonging to an...

Turning Negative Thoughts to Positives

Negative thoughts can drain you of your energy and keep you from living in the present. The more you indulge yourself in negative thoughts, the stronger and more powerful they become. Once the negative thoughts start, it is hard to make them stop. There are some steps...

Positive Thinking Leads to Physical Health

Positive thinking may do more than make you mentally healthy, but physically healthy as well. Having an optimistic attitude can change the lives of patients’ in recovery. According to researchers, they reviewed 16 studies that looked at patients’ attitudes toward...

Avoiding “Positive Thinking” Pitfalls

Positive thinking is a tool that can help you overcome pain, obstacles and help you accomplish new goals. The benefits of looking on the bright side of things have been researched and documented. Researchers have discovered that optimistic people tend to enjoy...

How to Live Spiritually

Many people feel that spirituality is a major factor in leading a healthy and fulfilling life.  But what exactly does this mean?  It’s easy to say you would like to live a spiritual life, but it is much harder to practice it.  A recent entry on the Huffington...

You Might Already be Meditating

Meditation can be a great way to clear your mind, but many people are unsure of how to go about it.  A recent Spirituality Health blog post talks about some of the ways that people naturally meditate without even realizing that’s what they are doing.  One of the...