We have entered the transition.

As summer ebbs into autumnal fervor, how is your energy transitioning? Are you blossoming or fraying into chaos? Learn to channel your energy.

We have been through an epic sandstorm.  Now that it has ended we have to check and see if we’re all here, alive, and together. This is a result of the Mars opposite Sun (and of course, Venus opposing Uranus). 

And now that the sand has died down, we see the horizon blinking brightly ahead!  The journey transformation must go on.

This Sun/Jupiter conjunction is a time to reach that inevitable horizons. Conquer your journey. Renew your faith in relationships, love, and life.

Big life changes reveal that these eclipses move like boulders. mountains. We have to move with them. But it will not happen quickly.

Our next leap in may arise out of a shift in which we shed our battle story of battling and move toward collaboration.

The creativity and survival instinct of humanity as a whole, or even of life as a whole, act through us? Connected consciousness stems from intentional acts of self-interest. We are dutifully guided by the intention to act for the well being of all life.

However, you still may seek to complete karmic cycles. To release  the past, your relationships will be altered.  Radical transformation can include sudden changes in relationships, some beginning and some ending. Some will end but some will go through deep transformation into something new.

Be emotionally open. Learn how to process and heal old relationship wounds.  Give yourself permission to be irritated as long as it you can take ownership of your feelings. Protect others from your negative energy. Be careful of impatience and critical judgment. When you can, seek forgiveness and compassion from friends. Connection, magnetism, the need for exchange and new agreements will make you more present and outgoing. Take full responsibility for your role on the karmic wheel of relationship lessons.

Seek the place of complete acceptance and love. You might just edge a bit closer to nirvana joy.


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